Divorce 1031 Exchange
The basics of a 1031 property exchange as it relates to divorce.
The basics of a 1031 property exchange as it relates to divorce.
In a divorce, there can be major tax consequences of one spouse moving into a rental property owned by the couple.
RSUs in a divorce – 2nd article
is a 50-50 division of community property fair
Options and considerations regarding the marital home in a divorce
Key points relating to credit in a divorce
How to address stock options in a divorce
The value of each asset and debt in a divorce depends on the valuation date.
What to know about RSUs (Restricted Stock Units) in a divorce.
Taxes and selling costs can greatly affect rental property sales value when deciding what to do with rental property in a divorce.
If you are divorcing and have rental property, here are some important considerations as regards its value.
Data to gather as regards the marital home in a divorce.
There are often employment benefits other than wages and salary that can be considered in a divorce.
What was a spouse’s separate property can be considered marital property in a divorce. Or vice versa.
In a divorce, the law gives special treatment to student loans and marital money spent on education/training to enhance the earning capacity of a spouse.
There are a number of different types of reimbursement that can be agreed upon or ordered by a judge in a California divorce.
If you are considering whether to defer sale of the family home, here are some important considerations.
Here’s an overview of dividing community property in a California divorce.
Here are some suggestions for how to go about valuing the community property in your divorce.
Here’s a checklist judges are recommended to use when characterizing, valuing and dividing property in a divorce.