This website includes well over 100 articles. All were written by me. My intention in writing them has been to demystify divorce and help you understand whatever aspects of divorce, mediation, your options and my services you might be interested in.
Many provide freely-available legal information. None are intended to provide legal advice for your particular situation.
Article Categories
Please see the topic list below or to the right to help you find articles that may be of interest. These articles supplement the information about divorce, divorce mediation and the services I provide that can be found under the menu bar items above.
If you have questions or would like further information, please feel free to contact me. Divorce is a complex and often mystifying life event and process that few people understand well. Knowledge about the process, the options available and the topics in a divorce can help you navigate your way more confidently and effectively. I consider it part of my role to explain divorce for people, whether or not they become paying clients.